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lip enhancement surgery hyderabad
Lips Enhancement

Lip Enhancement

Lip enhancement includes a suite of procedures that add or restore volume to the lips and smooth vertical lines around the lips and mouth, while surgical procedures, such as lip implants, remain an option, cosmetic surgeons are increasingly using minimally invasive treatments to achieve very natural-looking results that can last for up to 1 year or longer. 

If you are bothered by the appearance of thin, lined or asymmetrical lips, cosmetic treatments can address your concerns and help you feel more confident in your smile. Specific changes that a skilled cosmetic surgeon can make through lip enhancement include:

  • Restore volume to thin or aging lips
  • Smooth vertical lip lines
  • Improve symmetry between the upper and lower lip
  • Refine the shape of thin or flat lips

What are my options?

Cosmetic surgeons at YOUNIQ use a variety of approaches to help patients improve their lip appearance, ranging from temporary filler injections to lip implant surgery. Many patients choose to start with a temporary treatment and later progress to a longer-lasting treatment.

Dermal Filler Injections

Dermal fillers can last 4 to 12 months and achieve soft, natural-looking results. Fillers can boost lip volume, enhance lip shape, and smooth vertical lip lines (perioral rhytids).

Benefits of dermal lip fillers

  • Treatments take only 15 to 30 minutes.
  • Cosmetic surgeons at YOUNIQ can adjust the amount of filler used to achieve results with precision.
  • Little to no downtime is needed
    Improvements are usually noticeable immediately after treatment.
  • Results are final within 2 weeks. Side effects are typically mild and include temporary bruising, swelling or redness at the injection site.
  • Serious complications are extremely rare. 

Fat injections

Autologous fat injections, also called fat grafting, use fat from another part of your body as a lip filler. Fat grafting typically involves liposuction surgery on a different area of the body, and the procedure can be done without incisions on the face or lips. Fat injections at YOUNIQ are performed by qualified plastic surgeons with specialized training in fat transfer procedures. Fat injections can achieve a beautiful augmented lip contour that looks and feels very natural and last for years.

Benefits of fat injections for the lips

  • Fat looks and feels very natural in the lips
  • Results can last for many years; once final results are achieved, you don’t need a repeat treatment.
  • Risk of allergic reaction is close to zero.
  • No incisions are needed in the lips

Lip Implants

Lip implants can achieve a semi-permanent lip enhancement for those desiring a more lasting solution with minimal maintenance. Implants are made from a soft, pliable silicone rubber or biodegradable substance and are best for patients desiring a noticeable increase in lip volume.

Surgeons at YOUNIQ typically perform lip implant surgery using local anesthesia, inserting implants through tiny incisions hidden in the corners of the mouth.

Benefits of lip implants

  • Results can last for many years
    with qualified plastic surgeons at YOUNIQ.
  • Lip implant surgery can take less than 30 minutes to perform and leave virtually undetectable scars
  • Most patients require only 1 to 3 days of downtime.